1 (905) 309-9939                                                                 

Thank You to Our Amazing Sponsors


Welcome to the West Niagara Fair's dedicated sponsor appreciation page. We are overjoyed to extend our warmest gratitude to the exceptional sponsors who are committed to making the 2024 West Niagara Fair an unforgettable success. Without your steadfast support, this incredible community event wouldn't be possible!

Our Valued Sponsors

A special shout-out to each of our sponsors who played a crucial role in bringing the West Niagara Fair to life this year. Your commitment and investment have made a significant impact on the entire community.

Fill The Barn

We extend our deepest gratitude to the generous supporters who have contributed between $3000 and $5000 to our cause. Your remarkable contribution not only aids in our mission but also signifies your commitment to nurturing growth. Just as a barn serves as a foundation for a thriving farm, your support forms the cornerstone of our success. With your partnership, we're building a solid foundation for a brighter future.

Grow & Sow

To our valued "Grow and Sow" sponsors, your dedication to our vision is truly inspiring. Like skilled farmers tending to their crops, you sow the seeds of progress and cultivate change. Your support is the vital force behind the growth of our endeavors. With each dollar you contribute, you're helping us nurture innovation and bring our dreams to fruition.



Food For Thought

"Food for Thought" sponsors are the backbone of our initiative. Your contributions are a testament to the idea that even the smallest seed can yield a bountiful harvest. Just as each thought leads to knowledge, your support translates into meaningful progress. Your generosity sustains us, allowing us to plant the seeds of education, inspiration, and transformation.


Boost The Roots

Our "Boost the Roots" sponsors are the nourishment for our growth. Like water and nutrients fortify a plant's roots, your support strengthens our foundation. Your investment fuels our efforts, propelling us to new heights. With each boost, you empower us to reach further and achieve more, making a tangible impact on our journey.

Creekside Country Market

Joann Chechalk

Niagara Soil & Crop Improvement Association

Smithville Garden Club

Smithville Pharmacy

Smithville Quilters Guild

Steve Vooys

Sunmar Farms 

V & R Recycling

Vitucci Farms

Wellandport Hardware & Farm Supply

West Niagara Animal Hospital 

Seed for Feed

A heartfelt thank you to the "Seed for Feed" sponsors. Your belief in our cause reminds us that even the smallest seed can make a big difference. Just as seeds grow into sustenance, your support fuels our ability to provide essential resources. Your contributions might be humble in size, but they are mighty in their significance, feeding the growth of our mission.

Alison Both

Andrew Chechalk

Ann Marie Chechalk

Brenda Dunlop

Bucknall Farms

Cathy Rowaan

Deanna Bartels

Elcho Valley Dairy Goats

Heather Chechalk

Helen Klassen

Hildreth Farm Market Jane Lock

Janelle Van Halst

Janice Wright

Janice St Denis 

Joanne Battersby

John & Ingrid Sikkens 

Ladies Guild of St Lukes

Lincoln Garden Club

Linda Grant

Lucien Rene

Marilyn Wilson

Marlene Vooys

Michael & Deanna McGee

Michelle McLean 

Mike Chechalk

Nancy Johnston

Nikita Canara

Stephen Hargrave

Watering Can

West Lincoln Co-Op Nursery School

Zoë Gunn

A Heartfelt Thank You

From the bottom of our hearts, we extend a sincere thank you to our esteemed sponsors. Your belief in our mission and your dedication to the West Niagara community have left an indelible mark. The success of this fair serves as a testament to the power of collaboration and shared values.

Contributing to Success

Your generous sponsorship has directly translated into the resounding success of this year's fair. The funds and resources you provided have allowed us to introduce captivating attractions, engaging activities, and a truly immersive experience that attendees will remember for years to come.

Looking Forward

As we gear up for the 2024 West Niagara Fair, we can't help but look ahead with optimism and excitement. We envision future collaborations that will allow us to continue making a positive impact on our community. Your support ignites a spark of possibility, and we're eager to explore what lies ahead.

Contact Us

Should you have any queries, ideas, or thoughts about future partnerships, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We're available at 905-309-9939 and would love to hear from you.

Once again, thank you for being an indispensable part of the West Niagara Fair's success story. Your sponsorship transforms an ordinary event into an extraordinary one, leaving an imprint on countless lives.

Venue Rentals

Large or small, the West Niagara Agricultural Centre & Fairgrounds can accommodate your event. Book Now!

Click here for more information